Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 6 results!!!


Dennis - .86%

Way to go.

What new foods or recipes have you tried since starting this. Does anyone have any new low fat recipes they would like to share with the group??

My new favorite food is sweet potatoes - I cut them up into large fries and bake them in the oven with a little evoo and seasoning salt. Jakson loves these - Josh tolerates them.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Missing Weigh ins

Hi Family!!

I am missing the following peoples weigh ins


Also this is what I have for the food journal so far - these people do not owe a dollar. If this is incorrect or your name should be on the list let Barb or me know please:


Thanks Everyone

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 5 Results!!!


Deb - 1.98%

Way to go!!

Do you know what is really awesome?? As a group we have lost 89.3 lbs. Isn't that amazing?!?!?

I would also like to say congrats to Sara and Garrett as being the first people to break 10lbs lost.
14lb Sara
11lb Garrett

Congrats to everyone - you are all doing amazing!!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 4 Results!

Sorry this is so late. We had some email problems then I had a computer issue. So finally - just in time for this weeks weigh in is last weeks winner....

Me - 1.53%

We had some really good loses this week - a few ups but that's expected. Keep plugging along everyone.
And don't forget - tomorrow starts our second mini challenge - The food journal.

Love you all

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Next Challenge!!

I am still waiting on a couple of weigh-ins - but I'll post results as soon as I get them all. I wanted to let everyone know that we are starting our second mini challenge - WOOHOO!! You know you love them. We can all thank Barb for this great idea....

Food Journals!!

I know it's a little late to start on this week, so the official (cost you a dollar if you don't do it) challenge won't start until next Thursday. But I thought that a heads up wouldn't hurt plus writing in a food journal everyday can take some time to get use too - so I thought you could use this week as practice so that you can go right into the challenge without any problems.

You can use anything as your food journal, I don't care as long as it gets wrote down everyday. It is also a good idea to update them during the day instead of trying to sit down at night and trying to remember everything you put in your mouth. You have to be completely honest with this - WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN. If you bite it write it! I am also suggesting that you write what you are feeling down when you ate what you ate - were you bored, upset or actually hungry. Then at the end of the week you can look back and see where you need to work. If you eat at night while watching TV - find something else to occupy your hands. If you eat when you are upset - try calling someone and talking instead of eating. These can actually be a lot of fun and very helpful is your weight loss journey.

