Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 1 Results!!! - Last week

Sorry this is late - had late weigh ins and I was gone for a few days. So last weeks winner is.......

Sara - 1.95%

Keep it up - I don't know if it is the weather or what but I am definitely feeling more motivated.

Don't forget to send me weigh ins for this week.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

TBL - Rettele Style - Season Two

Well we have officially started season two. WooHoo!!! How is everyone doing?? Are we finding more motivation this time around?? We are loving the warm weather - we go for walk/jogs almost every night.

At Easter it was mentioned that you want to do more challenges - if you have any suggestions on what you would like to see let me know.

This is just for fun - so you don't have to participate if you don't want to. I know we all have made some healthy changes in our eating habits. But I don't want you to get stuck in a rut so.... I challenge you to try something new in the produce selection. Just make sure to post a comment about what you picked and if you liked it or not - make sure to add the recipe if you used one. has a lot of different veggie ideas if you need some inspiration. Just have fun with it.

Keep up the Awesome work!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 12 Results!!!


Barb - .75%

Way to go!!!!

How is everyone doing on our final week??? Can you believe we are almost done??? I have had a couple suggestions about doing another season - starting after Easter and running until July 4 - Is anyone interested??

I will bring my computer with me on Sunday so that I can figure the results - so make sure you either email me your results BY Saturday morning or you can tell me your final weight on Sunday at Easter. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11 Results!!!


Joel - 2.13%

Keep it up everyone!!

The only people I have as not completing the workout challenge is:


I haven't heard from Ben on the workout challenge.

Keep up the great work - we have reached a total of 101 lbs lost - isn't that awesome!!!!
